My Votes – Week of April 20th

Apr 24, 2020

**A rule bill is a bill passed through a full House vote under a rule that has been voted and agreed upon by the Rules Committee. Rule bills require a simple majority of the House to pass (218 votes) through a recorded vote.

Result and Date Bill #    Bill Title My Vote What it means for you and your family



H. Res. 935 Establishing a Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis as a select investigative subcommittee of the Committee on Oversight and Reform NO Existing congressional committees and oversight established by the CARES Act – the special Congressional Oversight Commission, the Pandemic Response Accountability Committee, and the Special Inspector General for Pandemic Recovery – provide ample oversight for the funds authorized in the CARES Act. A select committee would only be a theater for division and partisanship.


**A suspension bill is a bill passed by the House through suspending the rules to move quickly, circumventing the House Rules Committee. Suspension bills are typically less controversial pieces of legislation, and as the rules are being suspended, they require a higher threshold, two-thirds of those voting in the House, to pass. Additionally, these bills are often passed by a voice vote, without a formal roll call vote.

Result and Date Bill #    Bill Title My Vote What it means for you and your family



Senate Amendment to H.R. 266 Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act  YES This bipartisan legislation would replenish the Paycheck Protection Program to increase assistance to small businesses struggling through no fault of their own. It would also provide funds for reimbursing healthcare providers, expanding availability of COVID-19 testing, and tracing capacity throughout the nation.


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my votes – week of march 2

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