Cathy for Conference

Oct 23, 2012

Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers served two terms as Vice Chair of the House Republican Conference (2009-2010, and 2011-2012). In that time, she spearheaded several important projects – expanding and improving the Conference’s use of New Media, leading the Conference’s women’s outreach, increasing government transparency and publicizing and fighting against government waste, and leading a working group on re-branding the House GOP.

5 Key Facts

  1. During weekly Leadership press conferences, Cathy is raised awareness about the harm President Obama’s “spend, borrow and bailout policies” are doing to the economy and future generations.
  2. Cathy is a conservative reformer. She has earned a 92% Lifetime Voting Record with the American Conservative Union, and is a strong voice for a Balanced Budget Amendment.
  3. Cathy was the first Member of Congress to alert the public about the use of U.S. tax dollars as part of the $1 trillion European Union bailout (and she is the co-author of 2 bills to restrict U.S. participation).
  4. In Dec. 2011, Cathy hosted held the inaugural GOP Women’s CEO Event, which highlighted prominent women business leaders and the need for pro-growth economic reform.  It was covered in Bloomberg, National Journal, ABC News, The Daily Caller and more.
  5. Beginning in the 111th Congress, Cathy was tapped to be the chief advocate in getting her colleagues to adopt tools like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. The results speak for themselves. In 2009, only 30% of House Republicans were using social media. Today, that number is more than 90%.




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Rep. Tim Scott (SC) Rep. Renee Ellmers (NC) Rep. Tim Griffin (AR) Rep. Tom Cole (OK) Rep. Pat Tiberi (OH) Rep. Jo Ann Emerson (MO)


"Praesent aliquam rhoncus purus ut ullamcorper. Nullam blandit fermentum lectus, id porttitor diam congue eu. Nam vitae lacus erat. Curabitur arcu mauris, porttitor a pulvinar id, tempus ac urna. Donec non eros eget eros."

– Rep. Diane Black (TN)

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eget eros in dui imperdiet laoreet a id est. Aliquam egestas egestas purus, vel ullamcorper lacus lobortis in. Phasellus in eros felis."

– Chairman Peter King (NY)


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