Improving Housing Programs

To help provide better opportunities for those in need and the organizations that serve in our communities, Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers (WA-05) this week voted to improve housing programs through reforms to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and Rural Housing Service.

McMorris Rodgers released the following statement:

“Housing programs are a part of our essential safety net — we need these programs to work effectively, so they embrace those facing challenges and empower them to get back on their feet.

“This bill prioritizes people over bureaucracy by reforming outdated programs to save money and help the people who truly need it. This is what Representative Government should be doing: working together to solve problems facing the American people.”

H.R. 3700 works to make it easier for those who need assistance to get it and reforms criteria to reduce redundant and burdensome protocols for community organizations who help those in need.

To help disabled Veterans and their families, this bill includes language to end the unfair Administration policy of counting the aid and attendance benefits for low-income, disabled Veterans as income.

H.R. 3700 the Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act of 2016 passed the U.S. House on February 2 with unanimous support, 427-0.

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