McMorris Rodgers on Fox News: “We Need to Unleash American Energy”

Jun 13, 2022
Clean Energy

Washington, D.C. – Eastern Washington Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers (WA-05) joined Fox News’ Neil Cavuto on Saturday to discuss how President Biden’s anti-American energy agenda is forcing energy prices to skyrocket.

American families are struggling to pay to fill their gas tanks and the price of everything they buy is going up, including food. To improve people’s standard of living, we must unleash American energy to bring costs down.
You can watch the full interview here:


“It’s clear since day one President Biden has been implementing an anti-American energy agenda, and certainly he’s tried to shift the blame.

“He doesn’t want to take any responsibility for how his policies are adding to higher prices… As you just reported hitting $5.00 a gallon on average across our country. These are the highest prices ever.

“This is really the worst energy crisis that we’ve seen since 1973, and he is very quick to try to shift the blame but since day one he’s made it clear; he’s been implementing an agenda that is anti-American.

“He canceled the Keystone XL pipeline. He’s been canceling and delaying other important energy infrastructure projects. Just a few months ago he canceled all of the leases in Alaska and the Gulf of Mexico.

“These are policies that send a clear signal to American energy producers that he’s not interested in [American energy].”


“At the same time, he’s shutting down nuclear plants and coal plants and continuing to promote his political agenda which is wind, solar, and electric vehicles for people.

“What we’ve seen from President Biden is that he’s going to dictators and asking them to produce more oil.

“He’s gone to OPEC+ which includes Russia, Venezuela, Saudi Arabia. He’s going to those countries asking them to produce more rather than actually working with American energy producers.”


“We need to flip the switch. We need to unleash American energy.

“I have legislation, I’ve been working with Bruce Westerman who’s the lead on Natural Resources [Committee]. The American Energy Independence from Russia Act would approve the Keystone XL pipeline… it would flip the switch on the leases on offshore and on federal lands.

“It would send a clear message to American energy producers that we are committed to American energy independence as well as the importance of energy [for] national security and raising our standard of living.”

CLICK HERE to read Cathy’s statement from when gas hit $5 a gallon.

CLICK HERE to read more about the American Energy Independence from Russia Act.


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