McMorris Rodgers Responds to Biden Administration’s Sham Report on Columbia River System

Spokane, Wash. – Eastern Washington Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers (WA-05) released the following statement after the Department of the Interior published a report today on the “Historic and Ongoing Impacts of Federal Dams on the Columbia River Basin Tribes.”

“This bad faith report is just the latest in a long list of examples that prove the Biden administration’s goal has always been dam breaching. They continue to undermine the honest regional dialogue we need to determine the future of the Columbia River System with a politically-motivated report that — in their own words — ‘is based on limited sources’ and uses ‘examples to support the conclusions.’ This irresponsible means to justify an end is misguided and should not be taken seriously, especially by those who understand the tremendous benefits this critical infrastructure provides to our region.”

Page 2 from the Department of Interior’s report.

This report comes after the Biden administration announced its plans today to create a Columbia River Task Force led by unelected bureaucrats at the White House Council on Environmental Quality who are attempting to impose their will on the Pacific Northwest.

Click here to read the report.


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