McMorris Rodgers Speaks Out Against Democrats’ Partisan Drug Pricing Bill

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, Eastern Washington Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers voted against a partisan drug pricing bill put forward by House Democrats that will lead to fewer cures. Last night, she spoke on the House floor on why this effort needed to be bipartisan and on H.R. 19, the bipartisan bill Republicans have presented as an alternative. Watch her remarks from last night here 

On the House floor last night, she said, “H.R. 19 helps us move forward. It includes bipartisan solutions that President Trump can sign into law this year. We should be building upon the work that we did with 21st Century Cures. We want to see more generic drugs come to market faster, finally make insulin more affordable for our seniors, lower out-of-pocket spending, close the donut hole, access new medicines and cures, and require price transparency. Every single provision is bipartisan.” 

Cathy continued, “Unfortunately, the Speaker and the Democrats are moving forward in a partisan exercise, directing the federal government to set drug prices and it will stop innovation. America will fall behind as the global leader, and we can see what impact that has all over the world – hundreds and hundreds of fewer drugs entering the market. I want to stand on the side of innovation, more breakthroughs, and helping millions of people with the ravages of disease that they encounter every day.” 

Read more about H.R. 19 by clicking here 

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