McMorris Rodgers Supports Resolution to Rollback Burdensome Regulations on Farmers in Eastern Washington

Washington, D.C. (April 14, 2021) – Eastern Washington Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers (WA-05) today joined Congresswoman Mariannette Miller-Meeks (IA-02) in introducing a resolution to codify the Navigable Waters Protection Rule (NWPR) into law. This resolution would express the sense of the House that clean water is a national priority and that the April 2020 version of the NWPR should not be withdrawn or vacated.

“The Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule is one of the most burdensome EPA rules in recent memory. It basically proposes we regulate every mud puddle in America, and it’s hurting our rural communities in Eastern Washington and all across the country,” said Rodgers. “The impact it has on our cattlemen, our farmers, and our ranchers is devastating. This resolution supports the changes President Trump made to this rule, which would mean much-needed relief to agriculture workers all across America.” 

The 2015 Waters of the United States (WOTUS) Rule significantly expanded the definition of WOTUS and gave the federal government authority to regulate almost any waters; including streams, ditches, ponds, and creeks. The NWPR revised the definition of WOTUS and reversed this overreach, bringing back a balance between federal and state jurisdiction under the Clean Water Act.

“Under the WOTUS rule, the federal government would have authority to regulate water on 97 percent of the land in Iowa. This left farmers, ranchers, landowners, and businesses to face confusion and burdensome restrictions on how to use their property,” said Miller-Meeks. “The NWPR is much more workable and keeps our water and land clean without destroying businesses in the process. I look forward to working with my colleagues to protect our environment while also supporting our farmers and ranchers.”

A Senate companion to this resolution was introduced by Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA) in January and currently has 27 cosponsors. 

CLICK HERE to read the text of the House resolution.


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