McMorris Rodgers Urges President Trump to Reconsider Tariffs

WASHINGTON, D.C. (March 7, 2018) – Today, Eastern Washington Congresswoman joined more than 100 House Republicans in sending a letter to President Trump urging him to reconsider broad tariffs on steel and aluminum products because of their potential impact on Eastern Washington’s economy.

“I’m urging the President to reverse course on his recently announced tariffs on steel and aluminum because of the impact it would have on our trade relationships and our economy,” said McMorris Rodgers. “What’s more, leaving NAFTA, KORUS, or other trade agreements–as the President has threatened–would potentially wreak havoc on Eastern Washington’s economy, as will the continued slow pace of negotiating new trade deals and opening new markets. The bottom line is that Washington is the most trade-dependent state in the nation, and especially for Eastern Washington, our farmers rely on open markets to sell their crops all over the world. Broad-reaching tariffs have the potential to spur retaliation that will reduce our competitiveness abroad. I hear about these trade challenges all the time as I meet with farmers in our community. They are worried, and rightfully so. Farmers and manufacturers in Eastern Washington have, and will continue to have, a champion for free and fair trade as I urge the administration to walk back tariffs, stop threats, and move more quickly on negotiating trade agreements that are good for all of us.”

In the letter, Rep. McMorris Rodgers and her colleagues explained, “We are writing to express deep concern about the prospect of broad, global tariffs on aluminum and steel imports.  Because tariffs are taxes that make U.S. businesses less competitive and U.S. consumers poorer, any tariffs that are imposed should be designed to address specific distortions caused by unfair trade practices in a targeted way while minimizing negative consequences on American businesses and consumers.”

NOTE: See full text of the letter here.

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