McMorris Rodgers Delivers Walla Walla High School Baccalaureate

Jun 07, 2010

Congratulates Graduating Class of 2010 and Imparts Life Lessons

Washington, D.C. – Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) delivered the Walla Walla High School Baccalaureate on Whitman College Campus tonight. 

“For the graduating members of the Class of 2010, let me tell you that your true test is ahead of you,” said Rep. McMorris Rodgers.  “That test is the ‘journey of life.’  Thankfully, the things you learned and achieved at Walla Walla High School – in the classroom, on the soccer field, behind the debate podium, in the art studio, and on the stage – have given you the skills you need to master the ‘journey.’”

“Personally, I’ve found that the most unexpected things in my life have often been the most beautiful and most rewarding.  Take it from me, life has a way of taking you in directions you never thought possible.  So seize those possibilities; embrace them.  Whatever field God is leading you to, be available.  Don’t doubt yourself.  And no matter how hard life gets, don’t ever lose faith.” 

“As you begin the next chapter of your life, remember that God needs leaders who are guided by good, strong values.  No matter what road you choose to follow, please be active in the stewardship of your nation – ‘the last, best hope on Earth.’  President Eisenhower once said, ‘Politics should be the full-time career of no one; and the part-time career of everyone.’  To the Graduating Class of 2010: I encourage you to rise to this challenge.”

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