McMorris Rodgers Introduces Resolution to Revolutionize Health Care
This means a long-term solution that will accurately reimburse physicians for care they provide to Medicare beneficiaries and veterans;
Advancing critical health care training programs to retain health care professionals especially in rural areas
This means a providing tax credits to help people buy and pay for health insurance;
Association Health Plans and Small Business Health Plans allow businesses to band together to purchase health insurance that is more affordable and that will give people more continuity of coverage;
Medical liability reform to reduce the lawsuits that are driving up the cost of health care
This can be done through health information technology, like electronic medical records and personal health records which can save lives and provide cost efficiency through decreased paperwork, less duplication and streamlined reporting.
The federal government, the states, and health insurers should build new incentives into health plans to encourage wellness and prevention and to provide incentives for people to make smart choices involving their health, health care, and health coverage.
This means expanding health savings accounts, making health insurance portable from job to job and from state to state and allowing people to cross state lines to purchase health insurance.
Destry Henderson