McMorris Rodgers Statement on Passage of Health Care Bill

Nov 07, 2009
Health Care
McMorris Rodgers Votes against Government Takeover of Health Care

Cathy McMorris Rodgers voted against the health care reform legislation HR 3962 and released the following statement:

“The American public has made clear Congress should get the right healthcare bill enacted – not just any bill.   The bill that was passed today will leave our children and grandchildren a further trillion dollars in debt, with fewer health care choices, and more restrictions on their freedom. I voted no.

“Women and seniors will be hit especially hard.  Small businesses will be hurt by this legislation. It spends 1.5 trillion dollars and imposes more than 750 billion dollars in taxes on employers and it does it at just the time when we should be trying to reduce unemployment and create jobs.

“According to the Administration’s own economic advisor, it will result in 5.5 million jobs being lost. Other “reforms” in the bill all but eliminate Medicare Advantage – hurting 20,000 seniors in Eastern Washington and millions across the country. 

“For our rural communities, the bill calls on the Institute of Medicine to study payment disparities in rural regions.  We’re spending 1.5 trillion and the only relief we get is another study.

“Republicans have a better solution – one that lowers premiums for families by as much as 10 percent. It saves billions by reforming our medical liability system. It increases access by allowing people to purchase insurance across state lines.

“Although the House passed this bill today, it can still be changed in the Senate and in Conference Committee. So there’s still a chance to the Congress to do the right thing for the American people.”

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