My Votes – Week of November 29

Dec 06, 2022


A rule bill is a bill passed through a full House vote under a rule that has been voted and agreed upon by the Rules Committee. Rule bills require a simple majority of the House to pass (218 votes) through a recorded vote.


H.R. 3372

One Stop Shop Community Reentry Program Act of 2021

Passed  |  259-167
My Vote  |  NO

This bill authorizes a new grant program at the Department of Justice to provide $59 million over five years in funding for community-based nonprofits to implement reentry centers for formerly incarcerated individuals. I voted against this bill because this new program duplicates existing efforts to support state reentry initiatives. Last year, the Department of Justice provided $16 million dollars for Second Chance Act reentry programs. The bill also authorizes $1.5 million over 5 years for the Attorney General to make grants to States, Indian Tribes, and local governments to operate reentry services assistance hotlines.


A suspension bill is a bill passed by the House through suspending the rules to move quickly, circumventing the House Rules Committee. Suspension bills are typically less controversial pieces of legislation, and as the rules are being suspended, they require a higher threshold, two-thirds of those voting in the House, to pass. Additionally, these bills are often passed by a voice vote, without a formal roll call vote.


H.R. 2521

Delivering Optimally Urgent Labor Access for Veterans Affairs Act of 2022

Passed  |  376-44
My Vote  |  YES

This bill requires the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to establish a five-year pilot program to provide doula services to pregnant veterans who are enrolled in the VA health care system. The program must provide doula services by expanding the VA’s Whole Health model to measure the impact that doula support services have on birth and mental health outcomes of pregnant veterans.


S. 231


Passed  |  400-22
My Vote  |  YES

This bill requires the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to develop guidance for firefighters and other emergency response personnel on training, education programs, and best practices to protect them from exposure to perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances, commonly referred to as PFASs, from firefighting foam and to prevent the release of PFASs into the environment.


S. 4003

Law Enforcement De-Escalation Training Act of 2022

Failed  |  247-160
My Vote  |  NO

This bill directs the Department of Justice (DOJ) to develop scenario-based de-escalation training. I voted against this bill because it seeks to establish a federal standard on de-escalation training criteria, while I believe local jurisdictions are best suited to make these decisions. A majority of states have already established criteria for teaching de-escalation training and techniques. In Washington state, de-escalation practices like restricting police pursuits have caused confusion and have gotten in the way of police officers who should be getting bad actors off the streets.


S. 3846

Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Reauthorization Act of 2022

Passed  |  389-22
My Vote  |  YES

This bill reauthorizes and modifies the Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program, which provides state, local, and tribal grants to improve the criminal justice system’s response to people with mental health conditions. Modifications include allowing funds to be used for diversion and alternative prosecution, as well as letting sentencing programs be used for training purposes. It also allows grants to be awarded for additional purposes such as suicide prevention programs and services, case management services, and state and local implementation of the 988 suicide hotline.


S. 3115

POWER 2.0 Act

Passed  |  406-14

My Vote  |  YES

This bill makes permanent the requirement for the chief judge of each federal judicial district to lead, at least annually, a public event to promote pro bono legal services for survivors of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking.


H.R. 5455

Terry Technical Correction Act

Passed  |  307-101
My Vote  |  YES

This bill broadens the scope of crack cocaine offenders who are eligible for a retroactive sentencing reduction under the First Step Act of 2018. This is intended to fix a technical error.


H.R. 4785

Uyghur Policy Act of 2021

Passed  |  407-17
My Vote  |  YES

This bill addresses human rights issues concerning the Uyghurs and other minority groups in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in China. The bill authorizes the establishment of a Special Coordinator for Uyghur Issues position within the Department of State.


H.R. 6878

Pregnant Women in Custody Act

Passed  |  324-90

My Vote  |  YES

This bill addresses the health needs of incarcerated women related to pregnancy and childbirth by requiring the Bureau of Prisons to ensure each woman of reproductive age receives a pregnancy test on the date they begin incarceration – which they may decline.


H.R. 8876

Jackie Walorski Maternal and Child Home Visiting Reauthorization Act of 2022

Passed  |  390-26

My Vote  |  YES

This bill reauthorizes the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program through FY27. This program supports home visits for expectant and new parents who live in communities that are at-risk for poor maternal and child health outcomes.

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