Parents Need Access to Baby Formula NOW

May 20, 2022

“This is the biggest crisis we have ever faced.” That’s what parents in Eastern Washington are telling me about the baby formula shortage. Moms and dads, including many of you who participated in last week’s poll, are finding nothing but bare shelves in the baby formula aisle.

This is a matter of life and death. Parents need our help, which is why I introduced the Babies Need Formula Now Act this week to increase the baby formula supply immediately. Not next month or next year, but right now. This legislation takes urgent action to:

  • Increases supply by temporarily lifting restrictions on infant formula from countries that have similar safety standards as the United States.
  • Adds oversight and accountability to the FDA to make sure it is doing its job and acting quickly to maintain a healthy and safe supply of formula.
  • Gives parents more choices by lifting FDA-imposed barriers that restrict new types and brands of formula from entering the market. 

Enhances accountability for recalls by requiring the FDA to notify Congress of recalls and provide a plan to address any supply issues that may result.

This is a stark contrast to the bill Democrats passed in the House this week, which would only give the FDA more money without addressing the current red tape that is preventing new formulas from reaching the shelves. Parents deserve better than a bureaucratic solution that lacks accountability and fails to do anything to address the immediate crisis at hand.

Parents need accountability at the FDA to address this crisis and make sure it never happens again. I’m urging my colleagues to put the politics aside and pass this urgent legislation so we can get formula into the hands of struggling parents across the country before this situation gets any worse. 

You can read more about my Babies Need Formula Now Act HERE.

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