REINing in Bidenflation

Over the past two years, President Biden and House Democrats have pushed for one massive spending spree after another, driving inflation to the highest level it’s been in decades. Their out-of-control spending has left hard-working American families paying skyrocketing costs, and they’re tired of it. 

That’s why I helped pass the Reduce Exacerbated Inflation Negatively Impacting the Nation (REIN IN) Inflation Act this week. This commonsense legislation will bring long overdue transparency to the executive branch by forcing President Biden to tell the American people the inflationary impact of his executive orders before enacting them. 

For too long, the inflationary impact of President Biden’s executive actions has gone unchecked. That changes today with this legislation. It’s time to hold the administration accountable for the economic crisis it’s created and get our country back on track. 

CLICK HERE to read the bill.

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