What does the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act mean for you?
Dear Friend,
Last year, we set out on a mission to provide more jobs, fairer taxes, and bigger paychecks. We had a once in a generation opportunity to enact historic tax reform for you and your family, and in December, the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act was signed into law. Since then, we’ve seen the amazing benefits this law is bringing to Eastern Washington. As of this week, more than 4 million workers (and counting) have seen the benefit through bonuses, pay raises, increased benefits, and new investments from businesses large and small. Here in Washington state, we’ve seen companies like Alaska Airlines, Starbucks, and Inland Northwest Bank pass the benefits of tax reform down to their employees.
Not to mention, this month, 90% of Americans will see more money in their paychecks thanks to the new tax rates in our legislation. I had someone contact my office last week thinking their HR system had glitched when they saw $100 more in their paycheck. He said, “for me, this will be $2,400 more a year.” That’s real money to buy groceries, fill up the car with gas, or take the family on a weekend trip.
A young lady called my office absolutely ecstatic about the nearly $50 more in her paycheck. In the message she said:
These are real stories about how the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act is impacting people here in our community. I want to hear your story! Fill out the survey below to tell me what you think about this historic tax cut and what it means for you and your family!
My goal is to restore trust and confidence in representative government. I want to create an economy that works for everyone — where you can find a good job and keep more of your hard earned money. If you ever want to share your story with me, I’m here to listen. You can find all of my contact information here. Also, follow along on Facebook and Twitter for regular updates on my work for you and your family.