The citizens’ scrutiny

On the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives, Eastern Washington Congresswoman and Chair of the House Republican Conference Cathy McMorris Rodgers urges her colleagues to reclaim the power of the purse on behalf of the American people.

“Mr. Speaker, I rise today to remind all of us that those who sent us here, did so because they trust us with their voice to set the priorities in the People’s House. Because that’s the way our Founding Fathers intended it—a government of, by, and for ‘We, the People.’”

Continue reading below for more.

When Congress allows funding for programs not authorized by the People’s representatives—the power of the purse is undermined. “Spending and decisions made by executive branch—their departments, their agencies, their programs—[must] come under the citizens’ scrutiny.”

On March 14, McMorris Rodgers introduced H.R. 4730, The Unauthorized Spending Accountability (USA) Act of 2016 to restore the “power of the purse” to the American people, as outlined in Article I of the Constitution.

In her speech, McMorris Rodgers called on her colleagues to support her legislation. The USA Act has already received strong support and the following cosponsors: Reps. Brian Babin (TX-36), Joe Barton (TX-6), Dan Benisheck (MI-1), Rob Bishop (UT-1), Diane Black (TN-6), Dave Brat (VA-7), Ken Buck (CO-4), Bradley Byrne (AL-1), Kevin Cramer (ND), Rodney Davis (IL-13), Blake Farenthold (TX-27), Bill Flores (TX-17), Trent Franks (AZ-8), Glenn Grothman (WI-6), Richard Hudson (NC-8), Cynthia Lummis (WY), Tom McClintock (CA-4), David McKinley (WV-1), Luke Messer (IN-6), Markwayne Mullin (OK-2), Dan Newhouse (WA-4), Pete Olson (TX-22), Gary Palmer (AL-6), Tom Price (GA-6), James Renacci (OH-16), Reid Ribble (WI-8), Ann Wagner (MO-2), Mark Walker (NC-6), and Bruce Westerman (AR-4).

In a CNN report on what’s known in Washington, D.C. as “unauthorized programs,” Jake Tapper, described these government programs as “Zombies.” McMorris Rodgers released this short, zombie-inspired video.

Click here to learn more about the USA Act.

Cathy McMorris Rodgers Remarks as Delivered:

“Mr. Speaker, I rise today to remind all of us that those who sent us here, did so because they trust us with their voice to set the priorities in the People’s House. Because that’s the way our Founding Fathers intended it—a government of, by, and for “We, the People.”

“But what was established as three branches of government has evolved into an overextended executive and overly active court system, with the American people’s voice getting lost.

“Americans are frustrated. I am too, and that’s why I introduced the USA Act, to promote a more effective, accountable, and timely oversight in our entire federal government.

“Too much of the government is currently on autopilot. We must challenge this status quo by ensuring that spending and decisions made by executive branch—their departments, their agencies, their programs—come under the citizens’ scrutiny.

“No more ‘unauthorized spending.’ It’s time to hold federal bureaucrats accountable for being so disconnected from their mission, and reclaim the power of the purse.

“And I urge my colleagues join me in cosponsoring the USA Act. Thank you, and I yield back.”

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