The First Step Toward Righting What’s Wrong in Washington, D.C.

Imagine trying to balance your household budget.  It’s difficult.  Many people in Eastern Washington are paying more to heat their homes, more fill up their cars with gas and more for medical care.  Now, when crunching those numbers, trying to make ends meet before the next paycheck arrives, you find out someone used your credit card to buy a TV, a trip, or an expensive dinner.  Now you have to find money to pay for those frivolous expenses.  It’s frustrating for you, and it isn’t a responsible way to spend money.

Like you, I am firmly committed to fiscal responsibility. Our budget deficit has grown too big, and just like any family must balance their budget, I believe the Federal government must balance its budget.  I believe we need to comprehensively change the way Congress appropriates funds in order to add more responsibility and openness to the process.

Reforming this expensive trend is a top priority of mine and other House Republicans.  We want an immediate end to the earmark process while a bipartisan committee identifies ways to improve the way the federal government spends your money.  We hope House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats will agree to our proposal. 

House Republicans and Democrats worked together to develop an economic stimulus proposal.  We hope to continue this bipartisanship in an effort to spend your money more wisely.

I realize we have more work to do to get Federal spending under control. As a member of the Republican Study Committee, I am committed to looking for ways to do more to reform our spending practices.

In Congress, one of my top priorities is promoting economic growth throughout Eastern Washington and our state. One of the best ways for this to happen is to set spending priorities and reform programs to concentrate on those in need while controlling the deficit and reducing the size and scope of the federal government. The people must be assured their tax dollars are being spent wisely. Unless action is taken, future generations will face a financial crisis.

Without a doubt, one of the most difficult jobs facing the President and Congress is setting national priorities for how we spend taxpayer dollars, and many tough decisions will have to be made in this upcoming budget process. I am committed to promoting an economic climate that will bring about fiscal responsibility, spend tax dollars wisely and take steps to eliminate the deficit.

Throughout this budget and appropriations reform process, I will strive to be an effective voice and work diligently to advance what’s important to Eastern Washington.

–By Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers

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