McMorris Rodgers, Hastings Commemorate Grand Coulee Dam, Hydropower

Dec 23, 2008
Clean Energy
Environment & Climate Change

(Washington, D.C.) Today, Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers and Congressman Doc Hastings commemorated the 75th Anniversary of Grand Coulee Dam. The House Resolution submitted today also recognizes Grand Coulee Dam’s critical role in the national and economic security of the United States and the contributions of hydroelectric power to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

“Grand Coulee Dam and the other hydroelectric dams on the Columbia and Snake River transformed our region from a dry desert, to one of the highest-producing agriculture regions in the country, as well as providing low-cost electricity on which our manufacturing and high tech industries have grown,” McMorris Rodgers said. “At a time of growing energy demand, it makes no sense to throw this clean energy source away. I am committed, as we move forward with the debate on global warming, that hydropower be recognized for the important role it plays in our markets.”

“Our resolution pays tribute to those who built Grand Coulee Dam and to the workers who have kept it producing clean, renewable hydropower for so many years,” Hastings said. “Protecting our dams and expanding hydropower must be a priority as we aim to lower energy prices by producing more American-made power.”

Other members of the Washington State Congressional delegation who’ve co-signed the resolution include Representatives Dave Reichert, Jim McDermott, Brian Baird, Norm Dicks, Adam Smith, Jay Inslee and Rick Larsen.

Click here to read a copy of the resolution.

Destry Henderson

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