My Votes – Week of June 28th

Jul 13, 2021

Rule Bills

A rule bill is a bill passed through a full House vote under a rule that has been voted and agreed upon by the Rules Committee. Rule bills require a simple majority of the House to pass (218 votes) through a recorded vote.


H.R. 2662

IG Independence and Empowerment Act

Passed  |  221-182
My Vote  |  No

While this bill has been bipartisan in the past, the final package considered on the House floor this Congress contained concerning provisions that  raised questions about the Constitutionality of the bill. 


H.R. 3005

To direct the Joint Committee on the Library to replace the bust of Roger Brooke Taney in the Old Supreme Court Chamber of the United States Capitol with a bust of Thurgood Marshall to be obtained by the Joint Committee on the Library and to remove certain statues from areas of the United States Capitol which are accessible to the public, to remove all statues of individuals who voluntarily served the Confederate States of America from display in the United States Capitol, and for other purposes

Passed  |   285-120
My Vote  |  Yes

We are forever in search of a more perfect union, and while we should never forget our imperfect past, celebrating individuals who fought against the United States in favor of slavery, and those who fought against our Judeo-Christian value that every person is equal in the eyes of our creator, is wrong. 

I believe we should continue to learn from our nation’s dark history without celebrating it.

I supported this bill in the 116th Congress and supported it again this Congress. The bill would remove statues from the Capitol of anyone who willingly served the Confederate States of America. It would also replace a bust of Chief Justice Taney with a bust of Justice Thurgood Marshall.  


H. Res. 503

Establishing the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol

Passed  |  222-190
My Vote  |  No

The events that took place in our nation’s capital on January 6th were disgraceful and un-American. The criminals who breached and defaced our Capitol Building not only put people’s lives in danger, but they threatened the very values we hold dear as Americans. Thanks to the Department of Justice – and the incredible work of state and local law enforcement – 445 people responsible for this assault have been arrested. More arrests are expected in the coming weeks and months, and I fully support prosecuting every individual who acted illegally to the fullest extent of the law. Unfortunately, the committee established in H. Res. 503 could impede the ongoing investigation of these events and delay the prosecution of those responsible by unnecessarily duplicating efforts.


H.R. 3684

INVEST in America Act

Passed  |  221-201
My Vote  |  No

While this bill included several projects I support for Eastern Washington, the final package dedicated too much money to Green New Deal initiatives without including any way to pay for them. 

Suspension Bills

A suspension bill is a bill passed by the House through suspending the rules to move quickly, circumventing the House Rules Committee. Suspension bills are typically less controversial pieces of legislation, and as the rules are being suspended, they require a higher threshold, two-thirds of those voting in the House, to pass. Additionally, these bills are often passed by a voice vote, without a formal roll call vote.


H.R. 2225 National Science Foundation for the Future Act

Passed  |  345-67
My Vote  |  Yes

This bill reauthorizes the National Science Foundation (NSF) through FY2026 and authorizes programs and activities at the NSF. It also establishes new requirements, including assessing opportunities to advance STEM in Pre-K through 12th grade and advancing participation in STEM studies for historically underrepresented groups.


H.R. 3593 Department of Energy Science for the Future Act

Passed  |  351-68
My Vote  |  Yes

This bill supports specified research and development activities of the Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science and establishes various programs, such as climate research and energy sciences research.


H.R. 391 Global Health Security Act

Passed  |  307-112
My Vote  |  Yes

This bill directs the President to create the Global Health Security Agenda Interagency Review Council to implement the Global Health Security Agenda, an initiative launched by nearly 30 nations to address global infectious disease threats.


H.R. 3261, H.R. 3283, H. Res. 186, H.R. 2471, H.R. 1500, H.Res. 402, and H.R. 3385 En Bloc Suspensions

Passed  |  366-46
My Vote  |  Yes

This en bloc contains many bills I support, including a bill to help Afghan interpreters who helped the US military and one to help develop the nation of Haiti.


H.R. 567 Trans-Sahara Counterterrorism Partnership Program Act of 2021

Passed  |  395-15
My Vote  |  Yes

This bill authorizes the Trans-Sahara Counterterrorism Partnership Program, a program to counter terrorism and violent extremism in Africa.

2021 Past Votes

My Votes – Week of June 21

My Votes – Week of June 14

My Votes – Week of May 17

My Votes – Week of May 10

My Votes – Week of April 12

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