Repealing Democrats’ Army of 87,000 New IRS Agents

Great news! → Last night, House Republicans took action to protect you from the Democrats’ army of 87,000 new IRS agents tasked with auditing hardworking families and small businesses in Eastern Washington. This is a promise we made to the American people, and we delivered.

At a time when the price of everything from gas to groceries is sky high, the last thing you need is to be squeezed by the IRS for every last penny – which is exactly what President Biden and Democrats planned when they passed an $80 billion (600 percent!) increase to the IRS budget last year.

But it’s the end of one party rule in our nation’s capital and a new day for hardworking people. This legislation is our first step towards rebuilding a government that works for you, not against you … and we are just getting started!

CLICK HERE to read the bill.

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