My Position on Taxes & Regulations
I was proud to lead the way on the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which was signed into law by President Trump in 2017. This historic legislation overhauled our broken tax code for the first time in over 30 years, and it improved the lives of everyday Americans and their families by creating more jobs, flatter taxes, and bigger paychecks.
Additionally, I have co-sponsored dozens of bills to help grow our economy — including legislation to repeal the government takeover of health care, the REINS Act, the Energy Tax Prevention Act, and the “Path to Prosperity” budget. I am also a strong advocate for the Balanced Budget Amendment.
Looking ahead, I will continue to advocate for policies that unleash the power of free minds and free markets; and I will continue to oppose policies that take money out of the hands of hard-working taxpayers to reward the special interests.