Winning the Future by Securing Cleaner American Energy

Today, House Democrats plan to introduce the Green New Deal. While I agree that we must address climate change, this pie-in-the-sky, top-down government approach will cripple America with debt, destroy jobs, and empower China to beat us in the global economy. Instead, we must do it the American way – with freedom to create, not socialism to control.

To win the future, we must utilize an all-of-the-above energy strategy that unleashes American innovation and delivers real results. As Lead Republican on the Energy and Commerce Committee, I am leading the Securing Cleaner American Energy agenda to address climate change risks and spur the development and deployment of clean energy infrastructure.

The Hydropower Clean Energy Future Act – which I recently introduced – is just one example of how Republicans are embracing real, free-market climate solutions that ensure America leads the way on clean, renewable, affordable, and reliable energy for generations to come. 

Hydropower is the largest source of clean, renewable energy in the country and accounts for 70% of our energy in Washington, and it remains a critical key to preserving our energy independence. 

While President Joe Biden, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and the Democrats continue to push for a complete government takeover of the nation’s energy and economy, I will continue working to modernize and improve our energy infrastructure and promote an all-the-above energy strategy.

Republicans have real, workable solutions to make energy cleaner, reduce emissions, prioritize energy security, and keep energy costs low for families in Eastern Washington and across the country.

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