McMorris Rodgers talks AHCA, misinformation on IWF’s Working for Women podcast

May 25, 2017

WASHINGTON, D.C. (May 25, 2017)–Representative Cathy McMorris Rodgers (WA-05) recently joined Hadley Heath Manning, Independent Women’s Forum’s Director of Health Policy, on the Working for Women podcast. In their chat, McMorris Rodgers dispels myths about the American Health Care Act and shares how the bill will protect people with pre-existing conditions, like her son Cole.

Listen to the full interview here.

Here’s what you should know:

On Misinformation:
“I’m very disappointed by the amount of false information that’s being pushed by the Left, especially as it relates to those with pre-existing conditions. They are scaring a lot of people and I hear that fear pretty regularly….the American Health Care Act guarantees coverage to everyone with a pre-existing condition. This has been a priority of mine, and under our plan insurance companies are..:banned from rescinding coverage based on a pre-existing condition, and they’re prevented from raising premiums on individuals with pre-existing conditions who maintain continuous coverage. …Republicans remain united on this goal. In all the years we’ve talked about repealing Obamacare, we have consistently said we would not repeal the provisions related to protecting those with pre-existing conditions.”
On the State Waivers
“I would emphasize that even in this waiver option, no state is able to get a waiver for the guaranteed issue of coverage, the guaranteed renewability of that coverage…I joined…Members of Congress in introducing an amendment that dedicates $8 billion to reduce premiums and other out-of-pocket expenses for patients in the individual market with pre-existing conditions. So if a state seeks a waiver and goes into this territory of having more flexibility, we wanted to make sure that those individuals that because of life changes — changing from state-to-state or job-to-job — would still get protections. That $8 billion ensures that an individual in those circumstances would not have their premiums raised beyond a certain level and the state would also have to have an invisible high risk pool.”
Why we’re doing this
“My goal in all of this is to ensure that we have a better health care future for everyone in this country. I believe when you look at Obamacare, you continue to see where it is failing. We get more news — now Anthem is pulling out — and just example after example where the promises of Obamacare are not being fulfilled. We have people with pre-existing conditions, increasing co-pays, increasing deductibles, and we need health care reform — we need a better health care future. The beginning stage takes place with the American Health Care Act.”

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