McMorris Rodgers Advocates for North Spokane Freeway at Keep Spokane Moving Coalition Event

Spokane, WA – Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) gave a “Federal Legislative Update” about the North Spokane Freeway at a Keep Spokane Moving Coalition event today.  The Freeway is a multi-generational project that will connect trade routes throughout Eastern Washington, the region, and Canada, helping farmers and small business owners transport their goods and commodities throughout North America.  Rep. McMorris Rodgers has been working closely with state, local, and federal leaders to secure funding to complete the Freeway.


“The North Spokane Freeway has been – and continues to be – an effective multimodal transportation system that has the potential to create thousands of jobs and bring hundreds of millions of dollars in new tax revenue to our community,” said Rep. McMorris Rodgers. “There is a role for the federal government in funding infrastructure projects, like the North Spokane Freeway.  And by working together at the state and local levels, I know we can increase the likelihood of earning more federal support. Today’s event was an important step forward in achieving our goal of completing the Freeway and boosting Eastern Washington’s economy.”


In February, the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) submitted a Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) IV grant application for the North Spokane Freeway.  In April, Rep. Morris Rodgers, Sen. Patty Murray, and Sen. Maria Cantwell sent a letter to the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) expressing strong support for the WSDOT application.  A decision by DOT could come as soon as this month.


Local leaders at today’s event included Keith Metcalf, Eastern Region Director, WSDOT; Ms. Betsy Cowles, Co-Chair, Keep Spokane Moving Coalition; Mr. Steve Robinson, Co-Chair, Keep Spokane Moving Coalition, and Mr. Wayne Brokaw, Keep Spokane Moving Coalition.



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