McMorris Rodgers Co-Sponsors Legislation In Support of our Military Members & Veterans

(Washington, D.C.) Congresswoman McMorris Rodgers recently co-sponsored the following pieces of legislation in support of the men and women serving in America’s Armed Forces.

The Hubbard Act  (H.R. 6580) would extend benefits and services to military members who voluntarily separate from the military due to sole survivorship status. The term “sole survivor” applies when more than one immediate family member serves in the military and the family loses all but one of the family members serving in the Armed Forces.

Montgomery GI Bill Educational Assistance Transferability Act of 2008 (H.R. 5229) would allow active duty, Reserve and National Guard military members to transfer unused portions of their GI Bill benefits to their spouse, children or other eligible dependents.

Recognizing Family Members of United States Armed Forces (H. Con. Res, 295) expresses Congress’s deepest appreciation to the families, both immediate and extended, of members of the United States Armed Forces for the unwavering support, both physical and emotional, that family members give their loved ones while they answer the call to serve their country and keep the United Sates safe.

Acknowledging the Service Armed Forces Members Give to the U.S. (H. Res. 1020) which recognizes the tremendous service members of the Armed Forces have given to the Nation, especially those who have been wounded in combat and commends the actions of private citizens and organizations who volunteer their continued support to America’s wounded warriors.

“One of my top priorities is keeping our nation and communities safe,” McMorris Rodgers says. “Our Armed Forces play a vital role in that. It’s important to honor the service they give to the nation now, and in the future.”

McMorris Rodgers also recently unveiled an additional online resource to help Eastern Washington veterans. The Veterans Portal offers veterans information about how to navigate the Veterans Administration, provides veterans with local resources for help, and lets them know where to find other sources of federal, state and local information.

The Veterans Portal is accessible from the front page of McMorris Rodgers’ website or by clicking here.

Destry Henderson

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