McMorris Rodgers Receives NFIB Guardian of Small Business Award

Washington, D.C. – Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA), Vice Chair of the House Republican Conference, was honored today by the National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB) with their Guardian of Small Business Award.  The Congresswoman received the award for supporting policies that will help small businesses grow and create jobs. 

“I am proud to accept the NFIB’s Guardian of Small Business Award,” said Rep. McMorris Rodgers.  “The NFIB is the leading voice for America’s small businesses, and I’ve enjoyed working with them on shared priorities, including tax certainty, common-sense health care reform, increasing domestic energy production, and protecting freedom in the workplace.”

In the 112th Congress, Guardian awards are given to Senators and Members of Congress who voted to support job growth on at least 70 percent of 13 key issues.  Rep. McMorris Rodgers voted for job growth on all 13 issues, earning a 100 percent rating. 

“The record shows that Rep. McMorris Rodgers is a true champion of small business, having stood strong on the key small-business votes in the 112th Congress,” said NFIB President and CEO Dan Danner.  “This award reflects our members’ appreciation for supporting the NFIB pro-growth agenda for small business.” 

Seventy percent of new jobs in America are created by small businesses.  With about 350,000 members, NFIB is America’s leading small business association.

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