McMorris Rodgers Votes to Help Develop a 21st Century Workforce and Education System in Eastern Washington
(Washington, D.C. – Today, Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers spoke on the House floor (Watch speech here) and voted to reauthorize the Higher Education Bill. “While I didn’t agree with every provision in this bill,” McMorris Rodgers said, “I am pleased that the bill aims to improve America’s competitiveness, seeks to make college more affordable and cracks down on “diploma mills” where people manufacture fake diplomas.”
One of McMorris Rodgers’ top priorities in Congress is developing a 21st century workforce and education system. “As the first in my family to graduate from college, I realize the value and importance of a good education. It is the doorway to success and a critical component of making our country more competitive in a global economy,” McMorris Rodgers said.
The bill also increases competitiveness by allowing content specialists to enhance classroom learning in areas where some school districts face a shortage of teachers. “This is an effort I’ve worked on since I arrived in Congress. It brings experts – like Bill Gates – who have real-world experience and an interest in teaching into classrooms to meet specific needs,” McMorris Rodgers said. “It can provide another link between schools and their communities while bolstering math, science, and foreign language.”
The bill also makes college more affordable for many Eastern Washington students. Each year Eastern Washington students receive approximately $8.7 million through the Perkins loan program.
Today’s bill also helps shut down diploma mills by increasing consumer information and will create a task force to develop legislation that will further crack down on diploma mills “We need to protect the integrity of our higher education system and the diplomas that so many of us worked so hard to earn,” McMorris Rodgers said.
Destry Henderson