McMorris Votes for Line-Item Veto Legislation to Help Eliminate Wasteful Spending


(Washington, D.C.)  Congresswoman Cathy McMorris (WA-05) today supported
H.R. 4890
, the Legislative Line Item Veto Act of 2006. McMorris is a cosponsor of this legislation that gives the president increased authority to request the removal of unnecessary or wasteful spending items from spending bills.

“People deserve to have a government that is fiscally responsible and spends tax payer dollars wisely,” said McMorris. “This legislation is needed to increase transparency and ensure that we keep spending under control. The line-item veto will be a useful tool in eliminating unnecessary spending items.”

The Legislative Line Item Veto Act gives the president 45 days to propose rescissions on spending bills he signs into law. Congress is then required to act on the president’s proposed rescissions by requiring an up-or-down vote on the complete list. The direct savings from congressionally approved rescissions will go towards deficit reduction efforts. The legislation also provides for means to address unnecessary entitlement spending – which poses the greatest long-term challenge for the Federal budget.

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