My Votes – Week of March 28th

Apr 01, 2022


A rule bill is a bill passed through a full House vote under a rule that has been voted and agreed upon by the Rules Committee. Rule bills require a simple majority of the House to pass (218 votes) through a recorded vote.



Better Cybercrime Metrics Act

Passed  |  377-48
My Vote  |  YES

This bill would prohibit companies from enforcing increasingly common agreements that require workers and consumers to bypass court and bring legal disputes in private arbitration. I voted against this legThis bill establishes various requirements to improve the collection of data related to cybercrime and cyber-enabled crime.



Care is an Economic Development Strategy Act

Passed  |  304-122
My Vote  |  YES

This bill requires grant applicants for certain public works and economic development projects to describe in their comprehensive economic development strategy how they will increase the accessibility of affordable, quality, care-based services (such as child care, early childhood education, disability and long-term care, and elder care).



Affordable Insulin Now Act

Passed  |  232-193
My Vote  |  NO

I voted against this bill because government-mandated prices controls on insulin would set the United States on a path that could undermine the free-market system. History tells us price fixing doesn’t work. This bill would lead to higher insurance premiums for the most vulnerable. I am leading on H.R. 19, the Lower Costs, More Cures Act, to lower the price of insulin and other drugs.



Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement Act (MORE Act)

Passed  |  220-204
My Vote  |  NO

I voted against this bill that would decriminalize marijuana because I believe more research on the effects of marijuana needs to be done before marijuana be removed from the Controlled Substances Act at the federal level.


A suspension bill is a bill passed by the House through suspending the rules to move quickly, circumventing the House Rules Committee. Suspension bills are typically less controversial pieces of legislation, and as the rules are being suspended, they require a higher threshold, two-thirds of those voting in the House, to pass. Additionally, these bills are often passed by a voice vote, without a formal roll call vote.



Homicide Victims’ Families’ Rights Act of 2021

Passed  |  406-20
My Vote  |  YES

This bill names a United States Postal Service facility in Slatersville, RI after Matthew R. Turcotte. Spc. Turcotte was serving with the 2nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team of the 4th Infantry Division when he was killed in August 2017 during a live ammunition training exercise at Fort Carson in Colorado.


H.R. 1621

Prohibiting Punishment of Acquitted Conduct Act of 2021

Passed  |  405-12
My Vote  |  YES

This bill contains an important measure to end the practice of federal judges increasing sentences based on conduct for which a defendant has been found not guilty by a jury.


H.R. 4738

COVID-19 American History Project Act

Passed  |  376-47
My Vote  |  YES

This bill directs the American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress to establish a history project to be known as the COVID-19 American History Project to collect and make publicly available individual stories and records of experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States.



Statue to honor Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States Sandra Day O’Connor and a statue to honor Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Passed  |  349-63
My Vote  |  YES

This bill would obtain and direct the placement in the Capitol or on the Capitol Grounds of a statue to honor Supreme Court Justices Sandra Day O’Connor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg.



William T. Coleman, Jr., Department of Transportation Headquarters Act

Passed  |  417-4
My Vote  |  YES

This bill designates the headquarters building of the Department of Transportation located at 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, in Washington, DC, as the William T. Coleman, Jr. and Norman Y. Mineta Federal Building.



Safeguarding Tomorrow through Ongoing Risk Mitigation Technical Corrections Act

Passed  |  402-24
My Vote  |  YES

This bill revises provisions related to the hazard mitigation revolving loan fund program, including by requiring capitalization grant recipients to carry out the latest two published editions of relevant building codes, specifications, and standards.



FEMA Caseworker Accountability Act

Passed  |  409-17
My Vote  |  YES

This bill directs the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to report to Congress on case management personnel turnover at the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).



Designate the United States Courthouse and Federal Building located at 111 North Adams Street in Tallahassee, Florida, as the “Joseph Woodrow Hatchett United States Courthouse and Federal Building”

Passed  |  Voice Vote
My Vote  |  YES

This bill designates the United States Courthouse and Federal Building located at 111 North Adams Street in Tallahassee, Florida, as the “Joseph Woodrow Hatchett United States Courthouse and Federal Building.”



Designate the United States courthouse located at 1501 North 6th Street in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, as the “Sylvia H. Rambo United States Courthouse”

Passed  |  Voice Vote
My Vote  |  YES

A bill to designate the United States courthouse located at 1501 North 6th Street in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, as the “Sylvia H. Rambo United States Courthouse.”



Donna M. Doss Memorial Act of 2021

Passed  |  Voice Vote
My Vote  |  YES

This bill designates the Rocksprings station of the U.S. Border Patrol located on West Main Street in Rocksprings, Texas, as the Donna M. Doss Border Patrol Station.



“Louisa Swain Federal Office Building”

Passed  |  412-1
My Vote  |  YES

This bill designates the Federal Office Building located at 308 W. 21st Street in Cheyenne, Wyoming, as the “Louisa Swain Federal Office Building.”


H.R. 5706

Stop Sexual Assault and Harassment in Transportation Act

Passed  |  339-85
My Vote  |  YES

This bill establishes formal sexual assault and harassment policies for the transportation industry.

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