Rep. McMorris Rodgers at ObamaCare Hearing: We Must Respect the Sacred Relationship Between Patient and Doctor
On Wednesday, Sept. 14, 2016, Rep. McMorris Rodgers (WA-05) spoke at the Energy and Commerce Committee Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee Hearing on “The Affordable Care Act on Shaky Ground: Outlook and Oversight.”
Years ago, the CBO warned us that new insurance mandates and price controls under the Affordable Care Act would increase premiums 27 to 30 percent. And, today that prediction has come true. Back home in Eastern Washington, our State Insurance Commission recently approved premium rates for 2017. On average, premiums will be increasing by 13.1 percent, with the highest increase reaching 22.75 percent. This is more than triple the increase from last year when rates jumped 4.6 percent. Rate increases like these are being seen across the country, and they are far from affordable.
I want to take this moment to thank my colleagues here in the Committee for their efforts to come up with commonsense solutions to ensure Americans have access to the highest quality care at the lowest possible cost. We must respect the sacred relationship between patient and doctor, and put the American people back in the driver’s seat.