Rep. McMorris Rodgers Receives “Standing Up for America’s Seniors Award” From Prominent Grassroots Organization

Oct 10, 2012


Spokane, WA – Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (WA-05) was recognized today with the “Standing Up for America’s Seniors Award” from Retire Safe, a national grassroots organization made up of more than 40,000 seniors nationwide.  The award recognizes Members of Congress who stand up for seniors by guarding their rights, protecting their benefits and improving their lives. 

“It is a privilege and an honor to receive this award because it represents something about which I care very deeply: the protection of America’s seniors,” said Rep. McMorris Rodgers.  “There’s been a lot of debate in Washington recently about Medicare, Social Security and the future of other entitlement programs.  And I will continue to work every day as your representative in Congress to save those programs, protect our seniors, and ensure their access to quality and affordable health care.  I will work to promote their economic choices and enhance their personal freedoms.”

Retire Safe believes that the opportunity to retire safely is contingent on three different securities: health security, financial security and personal security.  They recognized Rep. McMorris Rodgers for her excellence in all three.  This includes the protection of the doctor/patient relationship, access to safe and affordable medicines, the protection of the Social Security Trust Fund, support for America’s armed forces and veterans, the opposition to government encroachment on health care choices, and more.

Rep. McMorris Rodgers is a member of the House Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee and has been an outspoken opponent of ObamaCare.  Her most recent op-ed, “ObamaCare’s Broken Promises,” can be read in The Examiner here.



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