Rep. McMorris Rodgers Speaks At Joint Senate and House Military Family Caucus Event

Sep 22, 2010

(Washington, D.C.)  – Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA), Co-Chair of the Military Family Caucus, joined Senate and House Co-Chairs, Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) and Rep. Sanford Bishop (D-GA), for the release of the 2010 Blue Star Families Military Family Lifestyle survey today.  

The survey, Military Family Empowerment, Wellness, and Community, represents a comprehensive review of over 3,600 military families from across the services.  The survey addresses several main issues facing the military family community, including spouse employment support and opportunities, deployments, and family stress and mental health.

“America’s military families have needs that are not being met, but with your contributions here today, we can better understand those needs and begin to address them,” said Rep. McMorris Rodgers at today’s event.

The Military Family Caucus Joint Session included extensive testimony from military families about the unique challenges they face during and after deployments.  In addition, officials from the Department of Defense and Department of Veterans Affairs shared their expertise on the necessity of supporting military families for the overall strength and success of America’s military.

“The 2010 Military Family Lifestyle Survey will really help us improve the lives of the families who make sacrifices for our country,” said Rep. McMorris Rodgers.  “This survey will serve as the continuation of a fruitful and ongoing dialogue that will ultimately leave our nation and families safer and stronger.”

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