Washington’s Spending Binge Stifles Job Growth Today

The House Budget Committee released an economic report today demonstrating that economic hardships have been made worse by Washington’s misguided interventions and the lack of a credible a plan to lift the crushing debt burden. As national unemployment lingers at 9%, Washington’s spending spree has failed to create the jobs it promised, and has significantly hindered hiring and investment.  

The House Budget Committee report, “The Debt Overhang and the U.S. Jobs Malaise”, cites prominent economists that have both challenged the discredited economic assumptions made to bolster the case for Keynesian stimulus efforts, and lauded the House-passed budget as “good news for economic growth.” 

To read the House Budget Committee report – “The Debt Overhang and the U.S. Jobs Malaise” – please visit: http://ow.ly/5z6q7

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