No Cause More Noble Than Saving Lives Congresswoman Hosts 21st Century Cures Roundtable at WSU Spokane

“Today’s roundtable highlighted our efforts to accelerate the discovery and development of new treatments and cures – and ensure that America remains the leader of the global innovation economy.”

SPOKANE, WA – Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (WA-05) released the following statement today after hosting a 21st Century Cures Roundtable at WSU Spokane. The Congresswoman was joined by patient advocates, innovators, and researchers from Eastern Washington and across the country, including representatives from Team Gleason, the Spokane Arthritis Association, 23andME, Washington State University, Susan G Komen for the Cure Eastern Washington, and the Spokane Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.

 “We talk a lot about America being the global leader in innovation, but often when it comes to medical advancements, clinical trials, and the drug approval process, we need to better harness the amazing technologies we have at our fingertips. As a proud Member of the House Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee, I’ve worked to help utilize those technologies through our ‘21st Century Cures Initiative’ in Congress – an initiative that paves the way for better and faster cures right here in Eastern Washington.  

 “Today’s roundtable highlighted our efforts to accelerate the discovery and development of new treatments and cures – and ensure that America remains the leader of the global innovation economy.  We need to embrace an open, bottom-up approach to change the status quo and eliminate the cumbersome regulations that so often stymie scientific research. Our discussion brought together patient advocates, innovators, and researchers from Eastern Washington and across the country, including Gail Gleason, a heroic advocate for the ALS community, and the mother of Steve Gleason. I am so proud to join Gail in the fight to promote medical innovation and save lives in Eastern Washington and across America.  To me, there is no cause more noble than that.”

 During the roundtable discussion, the Congresswoman reiterated her commitment to moving the Steve Gleason Act forward this Congress. She introduced the legislation in January in an effort to reverse CMS policy changes that limit patient access to Speech Generating Devices.

 The roundtable was a part of the Energy and Commerce Committee 21st Century Cures initiative, and focused on the recently released 21st Century Cures discussion draft and the Congresswoman’s ongoing efforts to promote the use of innovative technologies to expedite the drug approval process.

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