McMorris Rodgers Signs Declaration of American Energy Independence

(Washington, D.C.) Today, Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers announced her support of a new plan to help bring relief to the skyrocketing energy costs. McMorris Rodgers is one of the original cosponsors of the Americans for American Energy Act. The Act is a comprehensive energy proposal aimed at reducing energy costs through increased energy production, conservation and innovation.

“It’s time we begin saying yes to American energy,” McMorris Rodgers said. “We need to move away from foreign oil, produce more of our energy here at home and look for ways to conserve the energy we waste every day. It’s time we start meeting America’s energy needs with American resources, and this plan does that.”

  • Among other things, the Americans for American Energy Act:
  • Defines hydropower as a renewable resource;
  • Increases the supply of affordable natural gas from America’s ocean resources by giving coastal states more freedom in whether to develop energy off shore;
  • Lifts the ban against off shore energy exploration;
  • Promotes safe and environmentally responsible exploration and development of ANWR;
  • Develops America’s vast oil shale resources;
  • Helps expedite the production of domestic coal-to-liquid fuel;
  • Promotes renewable energy sources such as solar and wind energy;
  • Promotes greater energy efficiency by increasing and extending personal and business efficiency tax credits and deductions;
  • Adopts common sense regulatory relief and policy reforms to streamline and modernize policies that hinder energy exploration, production and transmission

Since coming to Congress, McMorris Rodgers has had the opportunity to vote for American energy 24 times and she voted yes all 24 times. In addition, McMorris Rodgers serves as the highest ranking Republican on the Water and Power Subcommittee and recently chaired a hearing highlighting the role of hydropower in meeting the Northwest’s and nation’s energy needs.

Destry Henderson

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