McMorris Rodgers Votes to Bring Security and Jobs to Eastern Washington Mining Industry

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA), Chair of the House Republican Conference, applauded the passage of H.R. 761, The National Strategic and Critical Minerals Production Act in the House today. This bipartisan bill will allow states to more effectively mine and maintain critical minerals, such as rare earth elements.

“This bill is vital in promoting job growth and economic competitiveness in Eastern Washington and all across America.  Without critical mineral ingredients, entire sectors of our domestic economy – such as agriculture, technology, national security, health care and transportation – are put at risk,” said McMorris Rodgers.  “From our car motors and brakes, medical X-rays and MRIs, and even for treatment of our drinking water, we all take advantage of rare earth elements every single day.”

“Because of the White House’s oppressive government red tape, frivolous lawsuits and a burdensome permitting process, domestic mining jobs have been put at risk and manufacturing jobs are at the mercy of foreign sources.  The legislation we passed today will change that; it will enhance our national security, reduce our dependence on foreign resources, and bring jobs back to American soil.”

H.R. 761 sets the total review process for permitting at 30 months. At times, it can take over a decade to get through the government process and regulations, which puts the United States last of twenty-five major mining countries in permitting delays.


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