PASSED: Comprehensive Bipartisan Mental Health Legislation
Today in America, children and young adults are in crisis. More than 100,000 people a year are dying from overdoses and fentanyl poisonings, crime is up, and there’s increasing violence in our schools. There’s an overwhelming sense of anxiety, fear, and isolation. It’s a call for action to turn despair into hope.
Tonight, we answered that call by passing my bipartisan Restoring Hope and Mental Health and Well-being Act. This is the most comprehensive effort to date to support communities providing care to those in need of hope and healing amid a worsening mental health crisis in America. Specifically, the legislation we just passed:
- Targets resources to children and young adults suffering from the mental health crisis and substance use disorders.
- Reauthorizes critical Garret Lee Smith Memorial programs that support community-based young adult suicide prevention efforts.
- Supports care for maternal health and substance use disorders at every stage of pregnancy and motherhood.
- And so much more!
The Restoring Hope for Mental Health and Well-Being Act is a huge win in our effort to reverse the devastating mental health crisis our country is facing by building stronger families, stronger communities, and a brighter future for all. I’m proud of the People’s House for coming together to help deliver hope and healing to our communities, and I hope the Senate will join us soon.
CLICK HERE to read the bill.