Unleashing American Ingenuity

“I’m proud to be a part of what we are advancing this week—making government work better for those it was elected to represent.”

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Republican Leadership Press Conference:
December 1, 2015

Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI)
Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA)
Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA)
Conference Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA)
Conference Vice-Chair Lynn Jenkins (R-KS)
Representative Bill Johnson (R-OH)

Chair McMorris Rodgers, Remarks as Delivered:
“I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving with your family and friends. It gives us some time to reflect on the tremendous blessings of being an American and what this country has to offer. For me it’s a time to recommit here on Capitol Hill to ensuring that every person has the opportunity to fulfill their version of the American dream.

“As we approach the week ahead there are a number of bills that are really important in that effort. Coming from the Pacific Northwest, I always like to highlight the important role that hydropower plays in meeting important energy needs in this country. Hydropower is clean, it’s renewable, it’s affordable, and it’s reliable.

“We could double hydropower without building another dam in this country simply by encouraging investment, technology, and streamlining the permitting process. In addition to that we could create hundreds of thousands of jobs.

“There are all kinds of commonsense, bipartisan solutions. It’s about unleashing Americans and American ingenuity.

“I’m proud to be a part of what we are advancing this week—making government work better for those it was elected to represent.”

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